BFI Group Blog

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BFI Bullion
July 18, 2018

Gold 2048

In May, the World Gold Council published “Gold 2048’, a document you can download for free at the link provided below. In the report, industry-leading experts from across the globe provide their views and outlooks on gold and the gold industry.

The report provides some interesting views and analysis on how the gold market is set to evolve in the next 30 years.

Key insights from authors such as George Magnus, senior economist; Rick Lacaille, Global Chief Investment Officer of State Street Global Advisors; and Michelle Ash, Chief Innovation Officer at Barrick Gold, include:

  • The expanding middle class in China and India, combined with broader economic growth, will have a significant impact on gold demand.
  • Use of gold across energy, healthcare and technology is changing rapidly. Gold’s position as a material of choice is expected to continue and evolve over the coming decades.
  • Mobile apps for gold investment, which allow individuals to buy, sell, invest and gift gold will develop rapidly in India and China.
  • Environmental, social and governance issues will play an increasing role in re-shaping mining production methods.
  • The gold mining industry will have to grapple with the challenge of producing similar levels of gold over the next 30 years to match the volume it has historically delivered.

Note of caution: We do not endorse or sponsor the products of the World Gold Council. On the contrary, we recommend you stay away from them, at least if you are looking for truly backed and allocated precious metals solutions. However, we do like their excellent publications. Therefore, we will continue sharing them with you.

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