BFI Group Blog

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BFI Bullion
December 11, 2018

ALERT: Gold Re-Confirming Its Risk-Off Role

Over the last week, and amidst equity market debacles, gold has confirmed its move back into its long-standing role of an insurance against economic and financial market turmoil. This has not gone unnoticed. The next bull market in gold is ramping up. If you have not yet increased your position in gold, this is a good time to move.

Last Friday, gold closed at USD 1,246 per troy ounce. As we write this alert on December 10th, the price has risen further to above USD 1,249. We consider this breaking of the USD 1245 level as very important.

1 Year Gold Price in USD/oz, as of December 7th, 2018


The next gold bull market cycle is in the making. Do ,call us if you are interested in how to capture the capital gains and, equally important, the insurance qualities of gold in the upcoming economic crossroad.

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