BFI Group Blog

Stay informed about the news at BFI and in a world of rapid change

BFI Capital
February 7, 2019

Announcing Global Gold's Audio/Visuals

Admittedly, we’ve been rather slow to adopt video and audio material to share our thoughts. However, even conservatives like us need to get “with the times” at some point, so we made a decision to start regularly publishing videos and podcasts.

It’s a new adventure for us and we’re sure we’ll learn a thing or two along the way that will help us get better, something we strive for every day at Global Gold no matter what we do. We do hope you’ll join us, and you’ll enjoy the new formats. As our aim is to produce high-quality material that you’ll find engaging and useful, we also hope you’ll share your feedback and ideas with us.

To kick off this initiative, one that will save you the time and effort required for “old-fashioned” reading, we posed a few questions to Frank Suess, the owner of BFI Capital Group, and our CEO and Chairman. He reluctantly agreed and then simply sat down and gave it a go.

So, here we go. The following videos and topics may interest you. We do look forward to your feedback, and to any additional questions you would like to pose and have answered in this fashion.

We’re looking forward to going on this new adventure with you!

Frank Suess answering a few questions of interest:

1. Why you should buy gold right now!>> View video

2. How to benefit from Gold/Silver Ratio

>> View video

3. Advantages of a gold investment with Global Gold>> View video

4. Why Switzerland? What’s so unique about this jurisdiction.>> View video

5. We don’t offer online trading on purpose! Here is why.>> View video

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