BFI Group Blog

Stay informed about the news at BFI and in a world of rapid change

Scott Schamber
April 22, 2020

Announcement: New Blog at

The Global Gold Blog has become quite popular over the past two years. And, as we have noticed, our readers are interested in a wider variety of topics beyond precious metals. In particular, the bigger context of financial markets, investing, and jurisdictional diversification is of interest to our clients and readers. Therefore, we are relaunching the GG Blog under our group’s flag, our parent company BFI Capital Group. Change is the only constant in life!

We’ve been able to transfer the content from our Global Gold blog. So, if you were attached particularly to any of our posts there, you will find them in our new Group blog as well.

Please have a look at the new blog and let us know what you think.

Yeah, I’ll miss the “old blog” too. It was kind of nice... But I am also quickly getting used to and falling in love with our “new blog”. I hope you will too.


>> Read more here.

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