BFI Group Blog

Stay informed about the news at BFI and in a world of rapid change

BFI Capital
April 14, 2021

Next Series of BFI Fireside Conversations

After running a survey with a good part of our clients and partners, we are ready to set off on our next series of Fireside Conversations in the coming weeks. The topics ominously focus on understanding and properly addressing the challenges and opportunities that we face in a very rapidly changing world… one that we like to refer to as the “New Era”.

Based on an online survey we shared with a selection of our clients and partners, the following topics were selected and will be covered in our next series of Fireside Conversations. The details may still change, but we wanted to give our subscribers a heads-up and the opportunity to register.

The Future is Sooner Than You Think -- Investment Themes for The “New Era”

April 22nd, 2021, 5:00pm (CET/Swiss time) Panel: Marc Bernegger, Dirk Steinhoff, Frank R. Suess

We are currently in the midst of a powerful confluence of technologies and innovations that are about to change the way we live and work. Understanding the economic, social and ethical challenges and opportunities these changes pose is difficult. As investors, we also want early insight as to which trends to invest in. What are the top investment themes of the new era?

Time for "Real" and "Digital" Assets – Investment Opportunities Beyond Traditional Asset Classes

May 6th, 2021, 5:00pm (CET/Swiss time) Panel: Sune H. Sorensen, Daniel Zurbrügg, Frank R. Suess

We are entering a new era of investing. Asset allocation principles need to be questioned. Conventional asset classes may not afford the levels of safety and profits as in the past. Are bonds still a safe investment? What is the upside potential in traditional financial markets? And what alternatives need to be considered? How can you invest in these alternatives? What are the differences, and the similarities, between Bitcoin and Gold?

Getting Out of Dodge – Options and Practical Considerations of Plan B Strategies for Americans

May 20th, 2021, 5:00pm (CET/Swiss time)Panel: James M. Duggan, Bernarda Pesantez, Frank R. Suess

Big Brother is back and getting more intrusive by the minute. Hopefully, individual rights and rule of law, founded in the solidity of the US Constitution, will survive and thrive. However, properly considering and mitigating the possible risks of an alternative outcome is a prudent exercise. What are your options? What legal structures might be employed for jurisdictional diversification? How do I obtain a second passport? Should I consider establishing a foreign residency? What countries are most suitable and attractive? Etc.

For more information and to register any one or all of the webinars, you can visit our website at the following link:


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