BFI Group Blog

Stay informed about the news at BFI and in a world of rapid change

Frank Suess
November 17, 2021

Special Announcement: Global Gold is now BFI Bullion

We are proud to announce that we have changed the name of Global Gold Inc., the precious metals subsidiary of our BFI Capital Group, to “BFI Bullion Inc.” or to BFI Bullion AG here in Switzerland. While BFI Bullion remains 100% Swiss, 100% physical metals, and 100% outside of the banking system, we are still looking forward to the service and technology enhancements we have planned as we move forward.

As of November 8th, Global Gold has officially been changed to BFI Bullion AG in the commercial registry. The new name will now highlight the fact that Global Gold Inc. is a subsidiary of BFI Capital Group, and that it provides a central part of our group’s comprehensive wealth management service. The new name also allows us to realize some group synergies, particularly in the context of marketing, communications, and our future blog posts as you’ll be seeing here.

Of course, the change does come with a slight feeling of remorse as we all came to love the brand of “Global Gold”. However, this is the right path forward. And I really look forward to the wonderful service enhancements that we will be able to introduce in the coming weeks and months, starting of course with a revised and improved website and online client portal, among other great surprises.

For those needing a bit of a refresher on BFI Bullion, I think we say it best at the home page of our new, revised website: “BFI Bullion offers a safe, convenient and cost-efficient way of buying, selling, storing and delivering a broad variety of physically allocated gold, silver, platinum and palladium bars and coins.” BFI Bullion offers one-to-one storage of your metals: there is no fractional ownership, no paper metals, and your metals cannot be loaned, hedged, pledged or otherwise used by BFI Bullion.

Storage of your metals is done outside of the banking system, and we have three unique storage options, including “Key box” storage. While the majority of clients store their metals in Switzerland, we also have access to other locations all around the world, while staying under our Swiss contract with the same storage provider.

And speaking of the new website, we invite you to already have sneak preview at , It’s nearly finished and should be up and running completely in the next week. You’ll find a video that ,Scott Schamber, Managing Director of BFI Bullion, did regarding the change to BFI Bullion and the reasons behind the change.

For our existing clients, hardly anything changes. All contact details, except for e-mail, will remain the same. The new e-mail addresses with are already being used. The prefixes will remain the same. And should you use the old addresses, the team will continue to get them over the next few months. Bank wire instructions have already changed to “BFI Bullion”, but there too, they will still receive payments under the old name for another year.

Most importantly, our people are not changing. It’s the same company, same team, same DNA. Our values and our commitment to our clients are not changing one bit. Even as our digital capabilities progress, clients will continue to enjoy the direct access and personal service that they are used to not only at BFI Bullion, but as with the rest of our group.

So I welcome you to BFI Bullion AG…let’s call it an old friend with a new name!

,>> Read more in an interview I did for the Q3 Digger here.

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