BFI Group Blog

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BFI Capital
March 14, 2019

Global Gold-Backed ETF Holdings Retreated in February

​After four straight months of inflows, holdings in global gold-backed ETFs and similar, products fell in February by 33 tons(t) to 2,479t, equivalent to US$1.3bn in outfllows.

Global assets under management (AUM) fell by 2% in US dollars to US$105bn over the last month. However, global gold-backed ETF flows remain positive on the year (US$1.7bn, 2% AUM) on the back of strong inflows in January

Monthly Flows, as of February 2019

Source: World Gold Council

North American funds had outflows of 29t (US$1.2bn, 2.3%AUM). Holdings in European funds were flat (tonnage loss but fund inflows) -0.3t (+US$37mn, 0.1%). Funds listed in Asia decreased by 3t (US$147mn, 4.6%) Other regions were virtually flat, falling by 0.1t (US$2.5mn, 0.2%).

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